The past year saw the United States surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia as the biggest crude oil producer in the world after years of steadily leading the charge in the shale oil revolution.

After spending much of the last decade fully implementing its strategy of achieving full energy independence for the first time in decades, the US is now stepping in as one of the world’s main champions of fossil fuels.

Washington is now in the process of coordinating with Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Kuwait moves that will effectively block the full endorsement of a critical UN climate report that calls for radical emission cuts in an effort to avoid catastrophic global warming consequences.

US President Donald J. Trump’s top White House adviser on energy and climate, Wells Griffith, told a conference in Katowice, Poland, that “no country should have to sacrifice economic prosperity or energy security in pursuit of environmental sustainability,” and later declined to comment if the Trump administration would endorse the widely-held scientific belief that radical climate change initiatives need to be enacted to avoid irreversible damage being done to the environment.


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